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2010-11-29 03:02 supercollider

clean-up #14:

Here is a file from a short introduction to / demonstration of SuperCollider given at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, July 2009. It was all live-coded from scratch during my talk, but in the video above I just run through the lines one by one found in the file (attached).

I recorded this screencast and published the code to serve as an example for people new to and curious of SuperCollider. Pardon the silly music.

hamburg, 02:47, 7.2MB

The \asdf synth definition is a phase modulation synth with some random panning. \hh and \sn are both built by filtering noise and the \bd is a simple oscillator. All three definitions use a percussive envelope.

All Pdefs (the sequencers sort of) is set to use a quantise of 4. That means that any change I do in the sequencing code waits to kick in until the next bar (4/4, 60 BPM).

At 01:35 I start live-coding some changes to the \bd bass drum. First changing the duration from a static 0.5 to a stream of numbers using the Pseq. Then I change the release time (hard to hear) and last I play with the frequencies. That might give an idea of how one can interact with code in SuperCollider and change the system as it is running.



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