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2009-02-19 19:38 electronics

Soldering is such a nice relief from coding. For years I've had an old PC-joystick laying around (thank you, Abe). I knew I wanted to build something from it - something that would produce lovely noise - and yesterday I finally got around to hack it. The joystick now contains a slightly modified micro_noise synth circuit (based on a design by SGMK mechatronicart.ch). It also holds a 9V battery and the PC-connection cable now serves as sound output cable with standard 1/4 jack.

I used the switches and potentiometers that the joystick had and it was very quick to build and cost me virtually nothing. I just cut some cables and soldered them onto a tiny circuit board together with a few components. See the schematics below. The only visible change is the jack output and the LED I mounted in the case.

Based on micro_noise by SGMK. Slightly modified by /f0 090218

micro_noise_joy, 03:57, 15.8MB

Also see micro_noise2, Absolut micro_noise2 and micro_noise2 Batch.


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