‹ SuperCollider Firmata 3 Wireless MQTT Circuits ›

SuperCollider Firmata 2

2017-01-02 18:12 supercollider

+2 years ago I put up a simple example of how to use firmata with Arduino and SuperCollider. See /f0blog/supercollider-firmata/. That code still works but it only shows how to read a single analogue input on the Arduino.

Here is how one can read both A0 and A1 and map those to synth parameters in SuperCollider...

//how to read pins A0 and A1 with SCFirmata...
//tested with Arduino1.8.0 and SC3.8.0
//first in Arduino IDE:
//  * select File / Examples / Firmata / StandardFirmata
//  * upload this example to an Arduino
//then in SC install the SCFirmata classes
//  * download zip file https://github.com/blacksound/SCFirmata
//  * extract files and put them in your SC application support directory
//  * recompile SC

d= SerialPort.devices[0]; // or d= "/dev/tty.usbserial-A1001NeZ" - edit number (or string) to match your Arduino
f= FirmataDevice(d);//if it works it should post 'Protocol version: 2.5' after a few seconds


Ndef(\snd, {|freq1= 400, freq2= 500, amp= 0.5| SinOsc.ar([freq1, freq2].lag(0.08), 0, amp.lag(0.08)).tanh}).play;
f.reportAnalogPin(0, true);  //start reading A0
f.reportAnalogPin(1, true);  //start reading A1
f.analogPinAction= {|num, val|
  [num, val].postln;
    0, {
      Ndef(\snd).set(\freq1, val.linexp(0, 1023, 400, 800));  //A0 mapped to freq1
    1, {
      Ndef(\snd).set(\freq2, val.linexp(0, 1023, 400, 800));  //A1 mapped to freq2

f.reportAnalogPin(0, false);  //stop reading A0
f.reportAnalogPin(1, false);  //stop reading A1

And to read all six analogue inputs (A0-A5) one can do...

d= SerialPort.devices[0]; // or d= "/dev/tty.usbserial-A1001NeZ" - edit number (or string) to match your Arduino
f= FirmataDevice(d);//if it works it should post 'Protocol version: 2.5' after a few seconds

~numberOfAna= 6;  //number of analogue inputs (here A0-A5)

var freqsArr= 0!~numberOfAna;
Ndef(\snd2, {|amp= 0.5| Splay.ar(SinOsc.ar(\freqs.kr(freqsArr, 0.05), 0, amp.lag(0.08)).tanh)}).play;
  f.reportAnalogPin(i, true);  //start reading A0-Anum
f.analogPinAction= {|num, val|
  [num, val].postln;
  freqsArr.put(num, val);
  Ndef(\snd2).setn(\freqs, freqsArr);

  f.reportAnalogPin(i, false);  //stop reading A0-Anum

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