‹ pakt03 pakt05 ›


pact04lines, 01:00, 1.84MB

Built with p5.js and SuperCollider. See /f0blog/pact-februari/

let index, n
let grad
function setup() {
  const div = select('#sketch')
  const cnv = createCanvas(div.width, div.height)
  index = 0
  n = 90
  grad = createGraphics(width, height)
  for (let r = width; r > 0; --r) {
      lerpColor(color(0.5 * 255, 0.7 * 255, 0.5 * 255), color(0, 0, 0), r / width)
    grad.ellipse(width * 0.5, height * 0.5, r * 2.0, r * 2.0)
function draw() {
  const x = width * 0.5
  const y = height * 0.5
  const w = width * 0.49
  const h = height * 0.49
  const spreadx = sin(index * 0.005) * 5
  const spready = cos(index * 0.006) * 5
  const wx = w * (sin(index * 0.0125) * 0.4 + 0.6)
  const hy = h * (cos(index * 0.01) * 0.4 + 0.6)
  image(grad, 0, 0)
  stroke(255, 255, 255, 0.8 * 255)
  let xx = 0
  let yy = 0
  for (let i = 0; i < n + sin(index * 0.00876) * 50; i++) {
    const px = x + sin((index + i * spreadx) * 0.05) * sin((index + i) * 0.01) * wx
    const py = y + sin((index + i * spready) * 0.04) * sin((index + i) * 0.02) * hy
    if (i == 0) {
      xx = px
      yy = py
    } else {
      line(xx, yy, px, py)
      xx = px
      yy = py

Ndef(\lines, {Splay.ar(LeakDC.ar(SinOsc.ar([0.033, 0.066, 0.055, 0.044], SinOsc.ar([0.12, 0.13, 0.11, 0.14]*SinOsc.ar([0.151, 0.152, 0.153, 0.154], SinOsc.ar([5, 4, 3, 2], 0, 2pi), SinOsc.ar([0.043, 0.053, 0.063, 0.073], 0, [80, 60, 40, 100])), SinOsc.ar(([60, 64, 67, 71]+SinOsc.ar([0.024, 0.025, 0.026, 0.027], SinOsc.ar([0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04], 0, pi), 1).round).midicps, 0, 2pi)), 0.2)))})