

Simple video tracking that splits up the camera input in twelve sections/zones and sends out OSC and MIDI data, and can trigger and control sound files and/or live audio input. Built with MaxMSPJitter version 7. See also the anneVideotracking and anneVideotracking4 post on my blog for more details.

version 4 / req. Macintosh macOS / freeware

old version 1.1 / req. Macintosh OSX / freeware


VST host application with advanced routing, presets and mouse+keyboard control. screenshot

version 2.3 / req. Macintosh OSX / freeware

v.m.k (Virtual MIDI Keyboard)🔗

Design/graphics/manual: Hadrian Prett, programming: me
This application lets you simulate a MIDI keyboard on your computer qwerty keyboard. For laptop-users on the run tired of 'clicking' or 'drawing' their music in MIDI-sequencers and notation programs. Use keys [<] or [>] to change octave and arrow keys left/right for chromatic transposition.

The layout is as follows:

  W   E      T   Y   U      O   P      ]
A   S   D  F   G   H   J  K   L   ;  '   \
vmk screenshot
vmk screenshot
vmk screenshot