‹ Long Haul micro_noise2 Batch ›

Artist-in-Residence at IAMAS

2008-06-11 06:41 air-japan

Just started my artist-in-residence at IAMAS. 6 months in Japan! wow.

I'll be posting some pictures and short reflections here.

The program is very generous and I'm very grateful and proud that they selected me. www.iamas.ac.jp/E/AIR/about.html

IAMAS stands for Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences / International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences. It's a very nice place with lots of creative people, great facilities and a long history of interesting research/work being done.

My studio is very nice. Problem is only what to do with all the empty space. My setup is minimal: computer, soundcard, controller and then I borrow a pair of speakers.

View from the studio. It's on the 4th floor in the IAMAS old building. on clear days you can see high beautiful mountains in the distance...

‹ Long Haul micro_noise2 Batch ›