‹ MiniDV import video via Firewire f0pwm ›


2023-07-12 23:43 electronics

Another simple and minimal circuit built around the ESP-WROOM-32 DEV KIT module. This one is for taking in data from eight touch sensors and send that over WiFi (Open Sound Control) or serial to a laptop.

With the three pin headers the ESP32 can be configured to...

  1. not use WiFi at all,
  2. create a WiFi access point (SOFTAP),
  3. connect to an existing WiFi network.

Serial output via USB is always active.

The board is powered with a micro USB cable. Connected to a powerbank the whole thing is wireless.

handskar2 - circuit and sensors
handskar2 - circuit and sensors
handskar2 - circuit and sensors

Schematics, firmware and SuperCollider + MaxMSP example code attached.

‹ MiniDV import video via Firewire f0pwm ›