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OpenObject Tutorials

2010-03-31 20:48 supercollider

7 short screencasts with code examples showing how to connect SuperCollider with MaxMSP/Pd/Processing (etc) using the OpenObject quark.
Download the example code here... www.subnet.at/content/supercollider-tutorials-0

To run all the examples you will need SuperCollider, Processing (with the oscP5 library), MaxMSPJitter and Pure Data.

Install OpenObject from within SuperCollider with Quarks.install("OpenObject");

These screencasts were made at the 10days of SuperCollider network music workshop at subnet, Salzburg, October 2009.

OpenObject quark by Julian Rohrhuber, tutorials by Fredrik Olofsson, voiceover and support by Max Kickinger.

Thanks to subnet.at

OpenObject overview
OpenObject 00 maxmsp
OpenObject 01 maxmsp
OpenObject 02 maxmsp
OpenObject 03 puredata
OpenObject 04 puredata
OpenObject 05 processing



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