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2014-10-18 21:36 supercollider

clean-up: #54

For a few projects in the past, I had to communicate data bidirectionally via sound. It involved, for example, hooking up a microcontroller to an iPod Touch (running SuperCollider) so that the device could read sensors and/or control LEDs. One successful method was to do Frequency-shift keying. See /f0blog/soft-modem/ for another blog entry on that.

I've published FSK Pure Data code for that before, and also some SuperCollider code for generating/encoding FSK, but never the decoding part I think.

So below is some old code I've cleaned up a bit. It just demonstrates sending audio via internal SuperCollider busses at a very low baud rate. For good baud rate and min/max frequency settings see code.google.com/p/arms22/source/browse/trunk/SoftModem/SoftModem.h.

s.latency= 0.05;
  SynthDef(\redFSKdecode, {|in= 20, thresh= 0.1, baudrate= 126, lo= 882, hi= 1764|
    var sig= InFeedback.ar(in, 1);
    var sigActive= Amplitude.ar(sig, 0.01, 0.01)>thresh;
    var fre= 1/Timer.ar(sig*sigActive);
    var trg= Schmidt.ar(fre, lo+(baudrate*0.5), hi-(baudrate*0.5));  //0= lo, 1= hi
    var trgLo= trg<0.5;
    var trgHi= 1-trgLo;
    var trgCarr= Sweep.ar(trgHi, 1)>(1/baudrate*16);  //when found more than 16bits high in a row
    var trgData= SetResetFF.ar(trgLo*trgCarr, trgCarr);
    var imp= Phasor.ar(trgData, baudrate/SampleRate.ir);
    var writeTrg= (imp-Delay1.ar(imp))<0+Impulse.ar(0);
    var writePos= PulseCount.ar(writeTrg, trgData);
    var writeVal= Median.ar(31, trg);
    var ok, done= 1-trgData;
    var buf= LocalBuf(13).clear;
    Demand.ar(writeTrg, 0, Dbufwr(writeVal, buf, writePos, 0));
    ok= done*(1-Demand.ar(done, 0, Dbufrd(buf, 1, 0)))*Demand.ar(done, 0, Dbufrd(buf, 11, 0));
    SendReply.ar(ok, '/data', Demand.ar(ok, 0, Dbufrd(buf, (2..9), 0)));
  SynthDef(\redFSKencode, {|out= 0, amp= 0.6, minFreq= 4900, maxFreq= 7350, invBaudrate= 0.008|
    var data= Control.names([\data]).ir(Array.fill(8, 0));
    var env= EnvGen.ar(Env(#[1, 1, 0], [invBaudrate*(16+11), 0]), doneAction:2);
    var parity= data.sum+1;
    var freq= Duty.ar(Dseq([invBaudrate*16]++invBaudrate.dup(11)), 0, Dseq(#[1, 0]++data++[parity%2, 1]));
    var src= SinOsc.ar(freq*(maxFreq-minFreq)+minFreq, 0, amp);
    OffsetOut.ar(out, src*env);

//test sending a simple counter
var baudrate= 126;
var lo= 882;
var hi= 1764;
  var byte;
  byte= msg[3..].sum{|x, i| 2**i*x};
}, '/data');
  Synth(\redFSKdecode, [\in, 20]);  //bus 20
    var byte= (i%256).asInteger;
    var data= byte.asBinaryDigits.reverse;
      ("sending :"+byte).postln;
      Synth(\redFSKencode, [\minFreq, lo, \maxFreq, hi, \data, data, \out, 20, \invBaudrate, 1/baudrate]);  //bus 20
      Synth(\redFSKencode, [\minFreq, lo, \maxFreq, hi, \data, data, \out, 0, \invBaudrate, 1/baudrate]);  //monitor

//test a string of text
var baudrate= 126;
var lo= 882;
var hi= 1764;
  var byte;
  byte= msg[3..].sum{|x, i| 2**i*x};
}, '/data');
  Synth(\redFSKdecode, [\in, 20]);  //bus 20
  "hello supercollider!".do{|x|
    var byte= x.ascii.clip(0, 255);
    var data= byte.asBinaryDigits.reverse;
      //("sending :"+x+byte+data).postln;
      Synth(\redFSKencode, [\minFreq, lo, \maxFreq, hi, \data, data, \out, 20, \invBaudrate, 1/baudrate]);  //bus 20
      Synth(\redFSKencode, [\minFreq, lo, \maxFreq, hi, \data, data, \out, 0, \invBaudrate, 1/baudrate]);  //monitor

This FSK technique was used in many projects to control LEDs. e.g. most of the 3rd gen projects on RHYME are running SuperCollider on an iPod Touch with the 6 channels led brightness data being sent via FSK on one of the audio output channels.


2014-10-18 01:14 supercollider

clean-up: #53

Below some code for reading and parsing data from the Android app AndroSensor.

With this free app, you can record a lot of different sensors in your Android phone (like GPS, accelerometer, mic, battery, light etc) and save it to a comma-separated file (CSV). Later one can copy over the data file from the Android phone to a computer and read it in SuperCollider. the CSV files are normally stored on the SD card in a folder called AndroSensor.

By default, the app only saves and display data at slow update rates, so go into the AndroSensor's settings and change update interval to very fast and recording interval to for example 0.05 seconds (the fastest).

// https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fivasim.androsensor

//--read the data - edit the path to your CSV file
var path= "~/Desktop/Sensor_record_20141018_115750_AndroSensor.csv";  //edit here
var data= CSVFileReader.read(path.standardizePath, delimiter:$;, startRow:1);
var data2= data.flop;
var dict= ();
  var key= x[0];
  var val= x.copyRange(1, x.size-1);
  while({key.last==Char.space or:{key.last==$:}}, {
    key= key.copyRange(0, key.size-2);
  if(val[0].any{|x| #[$:, $/].includes(x)}.not, {
    val= val.asFloat;  //make single numbers into floats
    //}, {  //else do nothing - keep date and satellites as strings
  dict.put(key.asSymbol, val);
~dict= dict;  //handle

//--list all stored keys...
~dict.keys.do{|x| x.postln}

//--access data stored at keys...
~dict['ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)']
~dict['ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)']
~dict['ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)']
~dict['GRAVITY X (m/s²)']
~dict['GRAVITY Y (m/s²)']
~dict['GRAVITY Z (m/s²)']
~dict['GYROSCOPE X (rad/s)']
~dict['GYROSCOPE Y (rad/s)']
~dict['GYROSCOPE Z (rad/s)']
~dict['LIGHT (lux)']
~dict['MAGNETIC FIELD X (μT)']
~dict['MAGNETIC FIELD Y (μT)']
~dict['MAGNETIC FIELD Z (μT)']
~dict['ORIENTATION X (°)']
~dict['ORIENTATION Y (°)']
~dict['ORIENTATION Z (°)']
~dict['PROXIMITY (i)']
~dict['SOUND LEVEL (dB)']
~dict['LOCATION Latitude']
~dict['LOCATION Longitude']
~dict['LOCATION Altitude ( m)']
~dict['LOCATION Speed ( Kmh)']
~dict['LOCATION Accuracy ( m)']
~dict['Satellites in range']  //note as strings
~dict['Temperature (F)']
~dict['Level (%)']
~dict['Voltage (Volt)']
~dict['Time since start in ms']  //timestamps in milliseconds
~dict['YYYY-MO-DD HH-MI-SS_SSS']  //absolute timestamps - note as strings

//--plot the xyz accelerometer data...
  ~dict['ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)'],
  ~dict['ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)'],
  ~dict['ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)']

//--plot the xyz orientation data...
  ~dict['ORIENTATION X (°)'],
  ~dict['ORIENTATION Y (°)'],
  ~dict['ORIENTATION Z (°)']

//--plot a lot of data (but not all)...
  'GRAVITY X (m/s²)',
  'GRAVITY Y (m/s²)',
  'GRAVITY Z (m/s²)',
  'GYROSCOPE X (rad/s)',
  'GYROSCOPE Y (rad/s)',
  'GYROSCOPE Z (rad/s)',
  'LIGHT (lux)',
].collect{|x| ~dict[x]}.plot;

//--sound example mapping accelerometer to simple sound
  var a= {|freq= 500, amp= 0, pan= 0| Pan2.ar(Pulse.ar(freq.lag(0.25), 0.2, amp.lag(0.25)), pan.lag(0.25))}.play;
    var prevTime= 0;
    ~dict['Time since start in ms'].do{|x, i|
        \freq, ~dict['ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)'][i].linexp(-20, 20, 100, 1000),
        \amp, ~dict['ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)'][i].linlin(-20, 20, 0, 1),
        \pan, ~dict['ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)'][i].linlin(-20, 20, -1, 1)
      prevTime= x;

Attached below is a demo CSV file of me first keeping the phone still, and then shaking it a bit + turning it around. The data recording is only about eight seconds long.

If you plot for example the 3D accelerometer data it will look like this...

More SC Workshop Material

2014-10-16 23:54 supercollider

clean-up: #52

Tested, cleaned up and uploaded some material from a SuperCollider workshop I held a year ago.


Sound material recorded directly with the built-in laptop mic.

The code is available on the sc page

Keystroke Recorder

2014-10-15 23:55 supercollider

clean-up: #51

Today a very simple piece of code that takes whatever you're typing in a document and posts it back 2 seconds later. See it as a demonstration. The list is treated as a FIFO buffer.

Note: only works in SuperCollider versions with Document support (not 3.6, but 3.4, 3.5, 3.7...)

var delay= 2;  //post 2 seconds later
var l= List.new;

//--record in list l
Document.current.keyDownAction= {|doc, key|
    (key: key, time: Main.elapsedTime)

//--playback of list l
    var now= Main.elapsedTime;
    if(l.size>0 and:{now-delay>l.last.time}, {


2014-10-14 21:17 supercollider

clean-up: #50

Found more old SuperCollider code laying around... This little lambdoma experiment was based on this Cymatic Music video.

//--8x8 lambdoma matrix
a= [
  1/1, 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, 5/1, 6/1, 7/1, 8/1,

  1/2, 2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 5/2, 6/2, 7/2, 8/2,

  1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 4/3, 5/3, 6/3, 7/3, 8/3,

  1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4,

  1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5, 6/5, 7/5, 8/5,

  1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6,

  1/7, 2/7, 3/7, 4/7, 5/7, 6/7, 7/7, 8/7,

  1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 8/8

a= {|x| {|y| y+1/(x+1)}.dup(8)}.dup(8).flat;

Pbind(\dur, 0.25, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(a.at((0,1..7)))).play
Pbind(\dur, 0.25, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(a.at((0,8..63)))).play
Pbind(\dur, 0.25, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(a.at((8,9..15)))).play
Pbind(\dur, 0.25, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(a.at((32,33..39)))).play
Pbind(\dur, 0.25, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(a.at((48,49..55)))).play
Pbind(\dur, 0.25, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(a.at((56,57..63)))).play

Pbind(\dur, 0.125, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(a)).play

//--16x16 lambdoma matrix
b= {|x| {|y| y+1/(x+1)}.dup(16)}.dup(16).flat;
Pbind(\dur, 0.125, \freq, 60.midicps*Pseq(b)).play

Animation Templates

2014-10-13 22:13 supercollider

clean-up: #49

Here are some simple programs I wrote for my Audiovisual Programming course at UdK Berlin.

There are three SuperCollider files. They're all very basic and made to be hacked, modified and improved.


2014-10-12 15:50 supercollider

clean-up: #48

Here's an old port I did of a Pure Data patch called chipwave by Phill Phelps.

Also see the updated Pd version Dan Wilcox made: rc-patches

//after http://www.zenpho.co.uk/chipwave.shtml

SynthDef(\ioscs, {|out= 0, amp= 0.5, freq= 400, width= 0.25, gate= 1, atk= 0.002, dec= 0, sus= 1, rel= 0.2, ws= #[0, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], ps= #[0, 12, -12, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0, 7]|
  var e= EnvGen.ar(Env.adsr(atk, dec, sus, rel), gate, amp, doneAction:2);
  var w= Duty.ar(0.025, 0, Dseq(ws));
  var p= Duty.ar(0.025, 0, Dseq(ps));
  var f= freq*p.midiratio;
  var ti= LFTri.ar(f, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
  var sq= LFPulse.ar(f, 0, width*0.5, 2, -1);
  var ns= LFNoise0.ar(f*10);
  var z= Select.ar(w, [DC.ar(0), ti, sq, ns]);
  Out.ar(out, LeakDC.ar(z*e));

a= Synth(\ioscs, [\freq, 60.midicps, \amp, 0.5, \width, 0.5]).setn(\ws, #[0, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], \ps, #[0, 12, -12, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0, 7])
a= Pbind(\instrument, \ioscs, \midinote, Pseq([60, 60, 70, 60, 65, 63], inf), \amp, 0.5, \dur, 0.25, \width, Pseg(Pseq([0, 1], inf), 5)).play

a= Synth(\ioscs, [\freq, 60.midicps, \amp, 1, \atk, 0.002, \dec, 0, \sus, 1, \rel, 0.3, \width, 0.5]).setn(\ws, #[0, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], \ps, #[0, 18, -12, 0, 0, -6, -12, -24, -48])
a= Pbind(\instrument, \ioscs, \midinote, Pseq([40, 48], inf), \amp, 0.5, \rel, 0.3, \legato, 0.3, \dur, 0.5, \width, 0.5, \ws, #[[0, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]], \ps, #[[0, 18, -12, 0, 0, -6, -12, -24, -48]]).play

a= Synth(\ioscs, [\freq, 60.midicps, \amp, 1, \atk, 0.002, \dec, 0, \sus, 1, \rel, 0.3, \width, 0.5]).setn(\ws, #[0, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], \ps, #[0, 18, 0, 3, 12, 18, 24, 36, 36])
a= Pbind(\instrument, \ioscs, \midinote, 70, \amp, Pseq([0, 0.5, 0, 0.25], inf), \rel, 0.3, \dur, 0.5, \width, 0.5, \ws, #[[0, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]], \ps, #[[0, 18, 0, 3, 12, 18, 24, 36, 36]]).play

a= Synth(\ioscs, [\freq, 60.midicps, \amp, 1, \atk, 0.002, \dec, 0, \sus, 1, \rel, 0.3, \width, 0.5]).setn(\ws, #[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], \ps, #[0, 24, 0, 12, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0])
a= Pbind(\instrument, \ioscs, \midinote, Pseq([40, 48, 48, 60], inf), \amp, 0.5, \rel, 0.3, \dur, 0.25, \width, 0.5, \ws, #[[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]], \ps, #[[0, 24, 0, 12, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0]]).play

  Pbind(\instrument, \ioscs, \amp, 0.5, \midinote, Pseq([64, 66, 52], inf), \dur, 0.25),
  Pbind(\instrument, \ioscs, \amp, 0.5, \midinote, Pseq([60, 70], inf), \dur, 0.5),
  Pbind(\instrument, \ioscs, \amp, 0.5, \midinote, 100, \dur, 1/3)

Feedback Synths

2014-10-12 01:32 supercollider

clean-up: #47

Today I found some old code in my SuperCollider folder that I thought I'd clean up and publish.

Experiments in audio feedback.


SynthDef(\feedback1, {|freq= 400, amp= 0.1|
  var env= EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(1, 4), doneAction:2);
  var lin= LocalIn.ar(1);
  var src= SinOsc.ar(freq, lin*2pi, amp*env);
  Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(src));
Synth(\feedback1, [\freq, 300])
Synth(\feedback1, [\freq, 300, \amp, 0.255])

SynthDef(\feedback2, {|freq= 400, amp= 0.1, fb= 2, del= 0.1|
  var env= EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(1, 4), doneAction:2);
  var lin= DelayN.ar(LocalIn.ar(1), 1, del);
  var src= SinOsc.ar(freq, lin*2pi*fb, amp)*env;
  Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(src));
Synth(\feedback2, [\del, 0.5])
Synth(\feedback2, [\del, 0.01])
Synth(\feedback2, [\del, 0.01, \fb, 3])
Synth(\feedback2, [\freq, 300, \del, 0.1, \fb, 2.5])

SynthDef(\feedback3, {|freq= 400, amp= 0.1, fb= 2, del= 0.1, lfo= 1, rate= 2|
  var env= EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(1, 4), doneAction:2);
  var lin= DelayN.ar(LocalIn.ar(1), 1, del);
  var src= SinOsc.ar(freq+SinOsc.ar(rate, 0, lfo), lin*2pi*fb, amp)*env;
  Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(src));
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.5])
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.01])
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.01, \fb, 3])
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.01, \fb, 2, \lfo, 15])
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.01, \fb, 3, \lfo, 100, \freq, 100])
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.02, \fb, 3, \lfo, 100, \freq, 100])
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.5, \fb, 201, \lfo, 200, \freq, 200, \rate, 202])
Synth(\feedback3, [\del, 0.5, \fb, 1, \lfo, 200, \freq, 300, \rate, 0.01])

SynthDef(\feedback4, {|freq= 400, amp= 0.1, fb= 2, del= 0.1, lfo= 1, rate= 2, cutoff= 500|
  var env= EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(1, 4), doneAction:2);
  var lin= DelayN.ar(HPF.ar(LocalIn.ar(1), cutoff), 1, del);
  var src= SinOsc.ar(freq+SinOsc.ar(rate, 0, lfo), lin*2pi*fb, amp)*env;
  Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(src));
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.5])
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.01, \cutoff, 100])
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.01, \fb, 3, \cutoff, 100])
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.01, \fb, 2, \lfo, 15, \cutoff, 100])
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.01, \fb, 3, \lfo, 100, \freq, 100, \cutoff, 100])
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.02, \fb, 3, \lfo, 100, \freq, 100, \cutoff, 100])
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.5, \fb, 201, \lfo, 200, \freq, 200, \rate, 202, \cutoff, 100])
Synth(\feedback4, [\del, 0.5, \fb, 1, \lfo, 200, \freq, 300, \rate, 0.01, \cutoff, 100])

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