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red-framework Published on GoogleCode

2008-07-20 11:51 visuals

In June I cleaned up and released my red-framework for managing MaxMSPJitter patches. It is hosted at code.google.com/p/red-framework/ and you can get it via anonymous SVN checkout.

The framework is for stacking, chaining and mixing MaxMSPJitter patches and shows my way of organising patches. I've been working on/with it since 2006 and it now contains >100 modules. It can handle Jitter, control data, MIDI and also SoftVNS video under Max4.5.

Welcome to join the project if you are interested. It is easy to write your own modules.


(for OSX 10.4 and earlier you'll first need to install SVN separately)

In the terminal type:

svn checkout http://red-framework.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ red-framework-read-only

Then press (p) to accept permanently.

Last, add the red-framework folder to Max's file preferences.

It is licensed under GNU GPL v2 and requires Max5+Jitter for mac OSX. It has not been tested on Windows XP yet but should run.







Pros and cons...

Why use red-framework?

I have made various bigger performance patches using red-framework

Special GUI/Bpatchers for stacks, chains, mixers


‹ MaxPat - Max Patch Parser, Converter, Manipulator, Generator My Plugins Available as Windows Binaries ›