‹ redUniverse: L-System and Turtle Pact - April ›


2009-04-06 15:48 electronics, supercollider

A custom wireless system built for Craftwife. The LEDs are to be sewn into real ties. There are 6 red LEDs per receiver and each led can be dynamically controlled (PWM 0-255). All receivers run on battery (AA 3.6V lithium) and keep in contact with the transmitter using 2.4GHz wireless transceivers (Nordic nRF24L01+). The maximum working distance is about ~80m (line of sight).

The transmitter talks to SuperCollider via the RedTieMaster and RedTieSlave classes (USB-Serial 115200 baud).

Schematics, firmware, partlist and SuperCollider classes attached below (GNU GPL v2)

redTie transmitter and receivers...

Leds on ribbon cable...

Total cable length: 135cm, distance between LEDs: 4cm

redTie - wireless hardware demo


‹ redUniverse: L-System and Turtle Pact - April ›