‹ A Script that Rules the World Whitney Balls ›


2010-11-19 23:15 supercollider

clean-up #5:

An ecosystem as described in Gary William Flake's book - "The Computational Beauty of Nature" (page 191). I started coding it 1.5 years ago but never finished it until today.

screenrecording of eco system running

The rules are fairly simple but the result is complex. Carnivores feed on herbivores that in turn feed on plants. Populations grow, get overpopulated and die out just like in nature. The SuperCollider code is a bit cryptic using a lot of nested arrays for efficiency reasons but near the top, there are user settings to play with.

Here's also a JavaScript version... /software/p5js/eco/, a version for Processing... /software/processing/eco/ and also a C++ version written in Cinder... /software/cinder/eco/ and one in Rust using the nannou framework... /software/nannou/eco/.


‹ A Script that Rules the World Whitney Balls ›