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sc140 - the scTweets Album

2009-10-21 14:51 supercollider

I'm proud to have contributed with one short track on the just-released CC BY-NC-SA 3 licensed album sc140. Download/listen: supercollider.github.io/community/sc140.html. It is compiled by Dan Stowell in conjunction with The Wire magazine and consists of 22 tracks with corresponding SuperCollider source code. The thing with this project is that all the tracks are written to fit within the Twitter limitation of 140 characters. Read the source code at: www.archive.org/download/sc140/sc140_sourcecode.txt

Reference: 140 character examples on the swiki.



2009-10-02 20:28 electronics

For our recent installation at ISCM World New Music Days in Växjö (www.musicalfieldsforever.com/interactive-art/searching-voices/), I built a circuit for controlling 9x5m el-wire (electroluminescence). There are 9 channels in total and 3 inverters that are powering three 5meter cables each. TIC201d TRIACs are used for switching the 110V AC on/off, 9 led+LDR pairs (aka Vactrol) generates the control voltage for the TRIACs and wireless control for the whole thing is obtained with an ATmega8 and a pair of Nordic transceivers. SuperCollider is generating control data.

electroluminicence wire - 9 channels controlled from SuperCollider

Intel vs PPC

2009-08-11 04:10 supercollider

Something I knew all along but tried to ignore: Many of my noisier synths sound like crap on modern (Intel) macintoshes and some even go all silent. The code below deliberately blows up a resonant hi-pass filter and is typical for how different the same code can sound on my Intel vs my PPC mac. Listen to the attached MP3 files. In a few years, all the PPC computers will be gone and we can't recreate the sounds.

//punk (loud!)

update 090811: Thanks to Batuhan Bozkurt for putting me straight. It's not an Intel vs PPC issue but rather Apple changed something in their internal soundcards. Using a newer (Intel) machine and an external soundcard (Fireface 400), the punk code sounds the same as the PPC version below (i.e good/better in my ears - no autocompression).

So the internal soundcard in my old PowerBook (1GHz, PPC) is robust, filters hardly ever blow up and it doesn't have that automatic compressor/limiter as my newer MacBook Pro (2.16GHz Duo, Intel) internal soundcard.

update 180101: With GlitchRHPF from sc3-plugins and some clipping one can get the original sound back...



2009-07-31 13:14 electronics

More custom electronics. A wireless system for our flute/video duo kretslopp (together with flautist Anna Svensdotter).

3 knobs and 3 buttons on the right-hand arm, 1 accelerometer (3D) on the left-hand arm.

Anna made the leather bracelets.

Attached are schematics, AVR firmware and a MaxMSP patch for testing.

Wireless transmitter and USB receiver...

Overview. Controllers, receiver, transmitter and 'bracelet'.



2009-07-30 23:00 electronics

A cheap little circuit that reads 10 analogue controllers (8 knobs and 1 joystick). I built it for my neighbour Jens' portable keyboard project. It's using an ATmega88 and a 4051 multiplexer to get 10 analogue-to-digital converters. A standard MAX232 with some caps lets the ATmega88 talk to the serial port of the computer.
Attached is schematics, AVR firmware and a MaxMSP patch for testing.



2009-07-27 18:52 livecoding, supercollider

Live coding via SMS anyone? An expensive and annoyingly hard hobby for sure.

But the RedPDU SuperCollider class makes this possible in any case. It can decode mobile phone text messages in the PDU format. And with a serial connection to your phone (Bluetooth or cable), it is easy to directly download incoming SMS from your phone into SuperCollider and interpret them. No additional hardware required.

The class is available here: /code/sc/#classes and there is also an mxj Java version for MaxMSP called f0.pdu here: /code/max#java.

And here's a short demo video where I send a short message to myself...

RedPDU - sending SMS with code directly evaluated in SuperCollider

The code I texted in this video was...

Pbind('degree', Pn(Pseries(0, 2, 5), 4), 'dur', 0.1, 'amp', 0.5).play

And the SuperCollider receiver function is in the help file. But note: on many phones it is impossible to type characters like {} [] \ | etc. You might want to add some find&replace functionality and use <> meaning curly brackets etc.

Note: I believe SMS PDU isn't in use much any more so this will only work with old (mid-2000) phones.

Sort of Unicode Support for SC

2009-05-27 21:51 supercollider

This is a big ugly hack and gives far from complete support for these special characters. But still, it is useful in some situations like for buttons or comment boxes in your GUI.

w= Window(Umlaut.fix("åäö test"), Rect(100, 200, 150, 150));
Button(w, Rect(10, 20, 130, 40)).states_([[Umlaut.fixAll("schööön")]]);
Button(w, Rect(10, 70, 130, 40)).states_([[Umlaut.fixAll("Tätigkeit heiß")]]);

all supported characters... (more can be added on request)


update: there is also asciiCorrect in the wslib quark by Wouter Snoei

note: broken in SC 3.9 under OSX


redUniverse: MRCM and IFS

2009-05-23 01:28 supercollider

Two new classes now in my redUniverse quark. Both use affine transformations to draw fractal-like structures. RedMRCM is a multiple reduction copy machine and RedIFS a standard iterated function system.

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