‹ Nato to Jitter Bridge Object - For Peace and Understanding More Processing Tweets ›


2014-09-12 17:31 electronics, supercollider

For an upcoming performance, I've revisited the electronics for my redUniform piece. My old setup used a Nordic nRF24L01 wireless chip but now I changed to WiFi and the Adafruit CC3000 module.

The circuit is minimal and simple. It's just the CC3000 WiFi module, an ATmega328, a 16Mhz crystal, an on/off switch, one 1000mAh Li-ion and last two 6p connectors for the sensors.

The sensors are two modified minIMU-9.

With the battery fully charged I had it sending OSC data at 50Hz for more than a whole day.

Attached are schematics and Arduino code for reading sensors via SPI. The code shows how to talk to the CC3000 and send sensor data via OSC.

There are also two classes for SuperCollider called RedUniform2 and RedUniform2GUI.

‹ Nato to Jitter Bridge Object - For Peace and Understanding More Processing Tweets ›